Regular Checkups – Why ?

How often should you see your dentist?

Regular Checkups – Why ?

At your regular check up we will :

  • Check for early signs of decay or breakages
  • Check any existing restorations
  • Look at your gums for early signs of gum disease
  • Examine your tongue, throat, cheeks & lips for signs of oral cancer
  • Evaluate your jaw joint and assess your jaw movement

The best way to maintain optimal oral hygiene is to brush and floss your teeth twice daily and to visit us every six months for a regular checkup. A regular check up/ six month examination is not only designed to check for signs of decay or damage of your teeth, it is also an examination to check for early signs of gum disease and oral cancer.

Whilst most healthy people should visit a dentist twice a year, if you have severe gum disease or a weakened immune system, you probably should see your dentist at intervals of every three to four months.

During a regular examination your dentist will first ask if there have been any problems since your last dental check up and also take note of any new medication that you may be taking.

If cavities are found or your oral hygiene needs to be improved, we will recommend a treatment plan and costing for the necessary work to be carried out. Further appointments will be required from that point to complete the necessary treatment plan. Occasionally X-rays of your teeth may be required to assist with establishing your treatment plan, we are able to complete X-rays in practice via a scheduled X-ray appointment.

Read more on the Australian Dental Association offical website at