Dental Composite Bonding
Do you have cracked, chipped or misaligned teeth - or do you have silver amalgam fillings that you would like to remove?
Dental Bonding ( or composite bonding as it is also known) is a tried and tested solution for these problems and more. The process is not invasive and involves minimum alteration to the original tooth enamel. In cases where the original tooth enamel is not removed, it is even reversible. Other great benefits to dental bonding is that the treatment is quick, the results are seen immediately, and the bonding material used is mixed to match the shade of your natural teeth, making the repair invisible to the naked eye.
The Procedure of dental bonding is quite simple and non invasive
- Not all bonding procedures require an injection, but in the case where it is required, a local anaesthetic will be given to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissue
- The tooth to be treated will be isolated from the rest of your teeth using a ‘rubber dam.’ This is a thin sheet of rubber which is placed over your mouth. It is used to keep the tooth dry as saliva can compromise the bond of the composite
- The tooth will then be thoroughly cleaned to ensure all decay, food debris or tartar is first removed.
- The tooth is then prepared using a phosphoric-acid-based gel; this roughens the surface of the tooth and creates a ‘key’ for the composite to adhere to. A bonding agent (glue) is applied to the roughened surface and set using a concentrated beam of ultraviolet light. The composite is then applied in layers and set at each stage using the ultraviolet light. The composite will be continued to be applied in layers until the desired shape is achieved.
- The final stage involves a polish of the restoration work to achieve the final shape and a smooth finish.